Serbian Orthodox Church Calendar
January 2008

First column - Week day     Second column - Day by new calendar
Third column - Day and month by old calendar     Fourth column - Fast days are marked with orange

Leap Year 2008, January (31 days), 15th Great Indiction

Thu119 Dec St. Boniface, Martyr
Wed220 Dec St. Ignatius the God-Bearer of Antioch; St. Danilo II of Serbia; (Antefeast of Christmas)
Thu321 Dec St. Juliana, Virgin-Martyr; St. Peter of Kiev
Fri422 Dec St. Anastasia, Great Martyr
Sat523 Dec Holy 10 Martyrs of Crete; Venerable Naum of Ohrid
32nd Sunday after Pentecost
Sun624 Dec Venerable Eugenia, Martyr; Nativity Eve
Mon725 Dec Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - CHRISTMAS
Thu826 Dec Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos (Mother of God)
Wed927 Dec St. Stephen, Apostle, Archdeacon and Protomartyr
Thu1028 Dec Holy 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia
Fri1129 Dec Holy 14,000 Innocents of Betlehem slain by Herod
Sat1230 Dec St. Anysia, Martyr; Venerable Theodora of Cesaria
33rd Sunday after Pentecost
Sun1331 Dec Venerable Melanie; Venerable Dositey, Confessor (Apodosis of Nativity)
Mon141 Jan JANUARY - Circumcision of our Lord; St. Basil the Great; New Year 2008.
Thu152 Jan St. Sylvester; Venerable Seraphim of Sarov
Wed163 Jan St. Malachi; St Gordius Martyr
Thu174 Jan Synaxis of the 70 Apostles; St Eustatius of Serbia
Fri185 Jan Sts. Theopemtus and Theona; Feast of the Holy Cross
Sat196 Jan THEOPHANY - Epiphany - Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ
34th Sunday after Pentecost
Sun207 Jan Synaxis of St. John the Baptist, Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist
Mon218 Jan Venerable George Chozabite; St Gregory of Ohrid
Thu229 Jan St. Polyeuctus Martyr; St. Philip of Moscow
Wed2310 Jan St. Greorgy of Nisa; Venerable Dometian
Thu2411 Jan Venerable Theodosius the Great; Venerable Michail
Fri2512 Jan St. Tatiana Martyr
Sat2613 Jan Sts. Hermylus and Stratonicus, Martyrs (Apodisis of Theophany)
35th Sunday after Pentecost
Sun2714 Jan St. Sava, First Serbian Archbishop and Enlightener
Mon2815 Jan Venerable Paul, Venerable Gabriel of Lesnovo
Thu2916 Jan Feast of St. Apostle Peters Chains; Venerable Romilus of Ravanica
Wed3017 Jan Venerable Anthony the Great
Thu3118 Jan St. Athanasius the Great; St. Maksim, Archbishop of Serbia

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